Search is an important tool to creation and accumulation of knowledge. The modern technological advancement viz. the increasing processing speed of computers, expanding the internet reach to the remotest corners of our planet, and developing new ways of information storage possibilities in cloud or any hard disk, its becoming the jungle of information, where serach is only possible but getting a direction is the being remote. There are multiple sources of information, some are research based, some are perception based and some are just extrapolation of imagination. The quality of information and building over it is the biggest challenge in the juncture of fourth Industrial revolution.
What should we do now? How should we re-orient our thouts with better clarity and logic if necessary? We have three distinct ways of looking for the solution.
Think Lean: first of all start thinking (which has almost got extinct now) in replacing the readimade answers available in th popular ‘search’ engines. In doing that, you have to select a small-simple thread of information and question it from 360 degree possible appraches. Human mind only can do it.
Think Deep: This practice has completely forgotten by especially the new generations and it’s not their fault. The so called ‘education system’ has made them to think A for ‘Apple’ only. They have learned that 2+2=4, but do not know that 5 is the most expected value of that addition in reality, otherwise there is no meaning of adding two units. So You need to take that thread (from 1) and dive deep into your mind.
Think Through: It’s obvious, when 1 and 2 are not present, there is no question about thinking through. This is the best practice for taking an important decision. You have to appreciate that software can make necessary calculations, quickly, but it cannot ‘dream’ and hence it cannot create situations unless tarined by human mind. Scenario creationa and analysis with a complex thought process cannot be relaced by super computers in near future.
Hence, we propose, wherever possible forget ‘Search’ do a ‘Re-Search’.